Author: Kim Williams Justesen (Website, Twitter, Facebook)
Publisher: Tanglewood Press
Buy online: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
Book borrowed from the national library
Mike hasn't spoken to his mother in years, and what few memories he has of her are painful. When Mike's dad is killed in a car accident, Mike wants to stay in his hometown and live with Maggie, his dad's girlfriend, who has been like a mother to him for the last five years. But Mike's mother reappears in his life and demands that he return to her custody and live on the other side of the country with a family he doesn't know. The law is on his mother's side, and Mike will have to grow up quickly and take on the legal system to have the life he wants.
This deeply moving story of a young teen's difficult family relationships reflects the reality of many children and teens with strong emotional ties to adults who have no legal rights in the instance of death or divorce.
(Actual) Rating: 4 of 5 stars
The Deepest Blue is another random book that I've picked up from the library. I didn't expect the tragic lost. The heartache that cause the characters to grief as well as their current obstacles that comes after, is inevitable.
Mike has struggled through days of exhaustion and worrying the life he will have ahead of him. I could see he was truly challenged at such early stage of his life. I sympathized with him through the entire book as it reflects the problems compared to my own problems are much more manageable than his. He has a strong conviction of what he says and do of the most important to him. I like Mike for it, which I would want to acknowledge because I sometimes have no confidence in what I do. He demonstrated it well, that I was inspired by him. What he want is carefully considered and simply to put it that he's rational towards his current situation.
I had no difficulty and no other way of saying how I absolutely encourage readers to pick this book up. It speaks of having to move forward in life even when things are not in our favor. At times, we may forget that there's still life and it couldn't be always the way we wanted things to happen. There are people who cares about the same feelings we may be going through. We just have to be still.
The Deepest Blue leaves the readers a wide range possible conclusions. Take note of the relevant and meaningful quotes because I was moved by them. Hopefully, it does the same to y'all! Made me think deeper and ponder. It depicts an illegible, a realistic and believable plot that have you gripping your heart as you follow the flow of the story.
I'm so pleased that you enjoyed the story! I love to hear from real readers and to see what their thoughts are. Thank you for your honest evaluation, and happy reading!
Kim Williams-Justesen
I'm so grateful to have read your book. I'm looking forward to your upcoming projects. Thank you for writing The Deepest Blue!